"The Night Always Wins" is a photographic project that shows a futuristic-dystopian landscape of one the most ancient neighborhoods of Granada city called Albaycin, whose legacy comes from the Nasrid Kingdom. The horrible monster of gentrification and savage tourism has changed the shining beautiful image of Albaycin´s typical streets and houses, turning them into dark neon-lights illuminated places. Now the neighborhood is another overtouristism zone of the world.
About the Artist:
Kike Redondo (Granada, Spain. 1978) studied at IDEP's Photography School Barcelona where he graduated in Photography: Fine Art and Projects.
His work has been exhibited in photography galleries like CYAN Studio Gallery (Oslo), Zapadores Museum of Art (Madrid) and festivals like Al Plan Folk Festival, Patata Fest and ARCOmadrid. He also showed his work at group exhibitions in Barcelona, Berlin, Bergen, Granada, Iquitos and Lima.
Kike has worked for Artconnect Berlin, VICE Magazine, Peruvian Ministry of Cultural, etc. and he has collaborated as a photographer with several ONG's like “En Belen Iquitos”, “Sostener lo que se cae Tanger” (Morrocco) and One Planet – FECONAMAI (Indigenous Communities of the Peruvian Amazon). His pictures have been used as cover art for music bands such Dunkevolt or Alondra Galopa for which he also produced video clips for some of their singles.
[This is a not sponsored and self-managed project, and all the material necessary to exhibit it (all copies included) is contributed by the author.]